Access Denied In the Countries of Other Religions

Many overseas missionaries complain that in the countries of other religions any Christian program or discussion is simply forbidden socially and often legally by the sovereign power. Therefore, they could not do anything. This is very true for most of Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, but also true in Buddhist countries such as Myanmar and Hindu countries such as India. How should a Christian mission attempt to reach the mass in those countries?

One thought on “Access Denied In the Countries of Other Religions

  1. This is the toughest practical problem. At present, several approaches are considered. First, our target is not the radical elements in the particular religion, but moderate group. This is like Jesus Christ was not targeting Pharisees, but the multitude. There are also people who are interested in inter-religious dialog. We want to recruit them and discuss misunderstandings between Christianity and their own religion. These things could be broadcast through radios and TVs if that is allowed. These efforts are to change the social atmosphere to make their society more open. Another one is to try to target rural villages. In these villages, it is still like old times. If the tribal elders are convinced the whole village follows the elders. There has been several success cases for Muslim villages that this approach worked. All these methods are much more difficult and riskier than simply proclaiming the gospel. Our years are open any new suggestions.

    Frank C.

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